Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Prayer as a whole

On occasion I go back and reread blog entries from my past. They always make me feel better about whatever situation I am facing at that time. I believe God is guiding me in my writing so that I can help others.... and even myself from time to time. He knows what needs to be said and more importantly what needs to be heard. I praise him for that!

Anyone who has experienced a serious medical condition before can feel my pain. There are so many decisions to make and obstacles to go thru. A few years ago my best friend's sister was shot in the head. As soon as my family heard we began praying and thanking God for her survival. She was able to come thru and now has a wonderful family with a beautiful daughter, but for a time things were really difficult. My whole thought was on her medical condition... never once did I pray for her finances or personal life to heal or continue to be blessed. Never, until my best friend had mentioned her no longer working. It is extremely easy to see a disability or malformation and pray for just that, but God knows we are more than our body shows. I will take any prayer you are willing to offer for Braylon...any! But I ask that you continue to pray for him as a whole, not just his disability.

Lately, everything I do I consider Braylon's schedule first or what needs he has. Not everyone may agree or understand why I choose to stay home with my children or make sure I'm available for ALL of B's many appointments a week. Well when the decision is between making more $$ or supporting my son in his progress, I support my son and have faith that God will take care of the rest. Trying to schedule a sleepover for my older boys, do I just forget about it because Braylon keeps me so busy already or should I find a day where I can devote my time to the sleepover. Of course I stretch myself a little thinner and plan a sleepover for my boys... God will let me know when it's time to rest. We will be victorious thru these obstacles and difficult decisions! But please continue to pray for all of us as a whole, that we may not neglect one another and continue to be faithful to the Lord. Pray that thru this we will meet more friends and inspire others. Pray that we will continue working hard towards our goals and dreams and not give any excuses. Praise him, because in Him we are made whole!!!

1 comment:

  1. Deon- there are times as a mother I do worry about you all. Your strong faith just doesn't carry you it also carry me. You inspire me and I am so proud of the women you have grown into. You might not always see how I feel, but within myself my Lord has blessed me with his love through you. Mom
