Monday, July 13, 2009

Who's vision is it?

About a week ago we had Braylon's six month evaluation with the physical therapist. To begin we went over the goals we set for Braylon back in January. The goals were to be accomplished by June. Now as I look back at setting those goals, they seemed very realistic... especially considering he had no independence at the time. One goal was that he would be able to sit up for at least 2 minutes and play with a toy, another said he would be able to commando crawl. Braylon has since surpassed all of those goals and completely blew us away. As the p/t was reading the goals both of us looked at each other in amazement, because we had completely forgot how far he had come.
In a six month time period Braylon went from only rolling in one direction and depending on us for EVERYTHING to crawling, holding his bottle, playing on the floor with his brothers and sitting up in the bath. And all of this with limited to no use of his left side. Again, I must say he is a miracle working and I am so privileged to see it.
Speaking with someone about how far Braylon has come they mentioned I was trying to hold him back (said in a joking matter). My reaction to the comment was that my vision for B must not be big enough. That really struck me. My vision can never be big enough for what God has planned. When asked to set new goals for B for him to do by December, I didn't know what to say. Obviously he exceeded our expectations last time. Should I set really high goals, like he's running with his brothers in the yard or more simple ones, like he's able to walk with his walker??? Again I must trust that God's vision is much larger than mine, so let's put it out there. Braylon will be playing in the yard with his brothers for Christmas, he will be able to say some words to communicate, he will begin using his left hand.
Disappointment usually comes when we don't get what we want, when we want it. But I understand we are working on God's time and the good book says, "And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." Habakkuk 2:2-3
So I am asking you to read and run. My vision has been stated and I am patiently waiting for God to "knock my socks off" again with what he's doing in Braylon. It's easy to forget how far He has brought us, but I continue to be thankful and keep faith in His word... for his word will not tarry and will surely come true!

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