Monday, November 9, 2009

Strong hand, Powerful speech?

Last week I took Braylon in for a neurology appointment. I was a little nervous to hear what the doctor was going to say about B's speech not progressing. This week B will be 19 months old and he is still not communicating with us. Although he says the "dada" sound and the "mama" sound, neither are directed towards us. The only hand gestures Braylon uses are bye-bye and peek-a-boo. So even with all of the awesome improvements going on physically with Braylon, my curiosity about his speech delay and play delay makes me a little nervous.
Anyways.... after the neurologists being amazed at Braylon walking already (remember he didn't even know if he'd ever walk), we began discussing the speech issue. I informed him that Braylon has been receiving speech therapy for some time now, but with no progress. His next question to me was, "Is anyone in the family left-handed?" My response, "Yes, my husband and dad are both left handed, but what does that have to do with speech?!?" It turns out that Braylon would've most likely been left-handed (like daddy), but because of the stroke his strong hand will of course be the right hand. It also turns out that most of the time speech is located on the same side of the brain that controls your strong hand... which in Braylon's case is his right side of the brain (the damaged side). It's amazing how God created our bodies to work!
My nervousness turned into thanksgiving. Although B is still not communicating, I know that he will soon. We are going to have to wait on the speech info to transfer from the right side to the left side of his brain. AND of course we will be on Braylon's time, like everything else.
I've always heard and read that there's power in the tongue. I find it very insightful that a person's strong (powerful) hand is located near the powerful tongue in our brains. It makes me wonder what God's purpose is for that.... Maybe thoughts really do become words and words really do become actions. Who knows?!

Monday, November 2, 2009


It has been awhile since I posted anything on my blog site. I'm sorry for those of you who check regularly for updates, because I have been missing in action. But let me stand clear God has still been very present in our lives!!!

As you can see in the picture Braylon has a walker. My mom and gram were in town when we first received the walker and it was so cute to see B and gram both using their walkers to get around. I should have seen if they would race. LOL! ... just kidding!! Braylon used the walker outside to get around and hang out with his big brothers, but indoors he stayed crawling on his knees. It seemed to me that B didn't want to leave his comfort zone. He knows how fast he is hoping around and was fearful that he wouldn't be able to keep up with the rest of us on two feet. It's probably a common reaction when something is new. I can only speak for myself, but its hard to start something new fully committed. Fear creeps into our thought process and convinces us that we can never be as good in a new adventure, so we'd rather stay with the "comfortable" old one. Although that may be a common response or emotion, it doesn't mean we have to stay in that emotion of fear. And I'm so glad Braylon didn't either!!!

Literally within a couple weeks Braylon has moved away from his walker and begun walking on his own!!! The comfort of his crawl has changed into the new explorations his walk can take him too. It all started with three steps to his bottle, then five to a pretty young lady (not and now his steps are so many I can't even count. B's walk isn't the prettiest. As a matter of fact his o/t said he looks like Fred Sanford from Sanford & Son... which is so totally true! But it is beautiful to me. To see B walk across the room, pause to catch his balance, then continue around the corner is one of the best things I've seen. Thank you God, for your vision is always bigger than mine.

Braylon is a constant reminder of how blessed we are. Last week, my oldest son Torian, was doing homework. On his third sentence he told me his hand was too tired from writing. My first instinct was get on to him, but then I remembered B. We talked about Braylon and the fact that he doesn't even know how to begin to use one of his hands, let alone complain about it being tired. We discussed how God blesses us all with individual gifts and to not use them would be sad. After the discussion, Torian no longer complained about a hurting hand and later that night he thanked God for all 10 of his working fingers. Because B is a constant reminder for us, I ask this for Braylon..."With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith." 2 Thessalonians 1:11.