Tuesday, May 26, 2009

He fell 30 times today!

It's been a couple of weeks since I last updated the blog. It is not because Braylon has stopped progressing, matter of fact he's moving leaps and bounds. His left arm is moving more and he's learning how to control it. B is crawling so fast that my eyes have a hard time keeping up with him. Plus I know when he finally does walk.... well RUN, he's out of here!!!!
There is something that I want to update you all on.... and it's very inspiring. For about 6 weeks now B has been trying to pull himself up to a standing position. Everyday he tries and everyday he falls... EVERYDAY! My husband would come home and I'd tell him "B fell 30 times today trying to stand up." On average he would fall 20-40 times a day for 6 whole weeks. I couldn't imagine that; falling flat on my face 1000 times in a row and to have enough nerve to try again. But again B defies all odds, b/c a week ago HE DIDN'T FALL!!!! He stood right up, holding onto the ottoman and smiling in his accomplishment.
Why do I feel like giving up after only a couple of rejections or failures??? I'm sure I'm not alone. I guess in some situations I give up b/c what I'm trying to do holds no value, i.e. wake boarding. In others it may seem easier to quit than to fail.... although failure is just on the way to success. Please take motivation from B. He is amazing and always makes me question myself... Am I really doing my best? Usually the answer starts as No, but it doesn't have to finish that way. I can't wait to update you again!

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