Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Infantile faith

What a beautiful day it is... at least where I live! Braylon and I are sitting outside listening to music and enjoying all that God blesses us with. As I look at the spring around me, I noticed our pecan trees are the only ones not to have leaves. I have no idea why it takes them so long to fill the sky with their green leaves, but I'm sure the tree is not worried about being last to bloom. "Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation."

Today was Braylon's third adjustment with the chiropractor. It has been wonderful to see how Braylon interacts with everyone in that office. He gets so excited to see them and even reaches out to them. By the way he just started reaching out to me this week too! I wonder if somehow B knows that the chiropractor and his team are there to help. He must. Faith is what is natural for him. Why does he babble when he wakes up??? Because he has faith that mommy or daddy will come get him! Why does he show his chiro and p/t love when they come?? Because he has faith that God put them in his life to heal him. Makes sense doesn't it. Last year I asked God to increase my faith. What did I do that for? At the time I wasn't thinking that meant I was going to be put in situations where faith was the only thing I had to rely on. Good news is.... at least I have faith in God, some people don't even have that!


  1. Deon, I love reading your posts. You are an amazing woman. I've always known that, but marriage and motherhood have shown even more of what God has put inside of you. Your words are beautifully written. I can feel your heart and my faith strengthened and challenged with each post!

    I love ya girl!!!

  2. Well said! It is so encouraging to read about your faith! We are so blessed to know you guys.

    Always in our prayers...

