Sunday, September 20, 2009

How Great is Our God Tour

God is so great and so mighty! Friday I took Braylon to a new doctor for a check-up. The doctor was taking note of his past medical history and issues with his stroke. The exam continued as normal, then the doctor left to get some referrals for a hearing test and eye exam. While she was gone, the head doctor came in to speak with me about Braylon's stroke. As I was discussing the amount of damage done to his brain, I remembered I had a couple MRI pics on my phone. So I pulled out my phone and showed the doctor (who had another doctor with him). He was speechless. The only words he could say over and over again were, "That's impressive." He couldn't believe that B was able to do as much as he was with an MRI image like that. The head doctor called in Dr. Khan (B's new doc) to see the images along with 2 more nurses. All them kept repeating "that's impressive." The nurses were able to talk a little more and were stunned at what they were seeing. I told them that I was scared to death when I first saw the images as well, but then I looked down at Braylon playing and smiling back at me and I knew God is always good.
When the appointment was over, I gathered my things and headed out the room. As I stepped out the door, I saw the 2 nurses crying over what they just saw in Braylon. Then walking to the checkout, I saw the head doctor in a room full of people talking about what he had just seen also. My thoughts.... sometimes the worst things in life can be the loudest voice to edify the Lord! We all need to humble ourselves and I think that day some doctors realized that although they can do some amazing things, God is so much bigger than them!
Today in church I saw one of the most powerful videos to every come before my eyes. Some of you may have heard of it or seen it as well, but I'm including some links to check it out anyway. The video puts in perspective how BIG God really is. It connects science with christianity. And by the end you will see why the only words the doctors can mumble out about Braylon are "That's impressive." My mighty Lord literally has allowed all of us to connect with him thru the cross. Watch and be amazed.


The video is about 40 minutes long. Because its on youtube, I guess you have to watch it in 5 parts. It's worth it tho!!!! Pass it on too...

part 1 :

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:

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