Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New York Times

Finding articles about pediatric stroke victims always bring tears to my eyes. But at the same time, it helps me feel not so alone. I found this article in the New York Times about a 7 year old who had a stroke. Some of the things the doctors told his family I never heard of or considered. It just makes me realize how much more research needs to be done on pediatric stroke causes and care. I hope you enjoy it as much as me!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

And a "triker" is born!

Today my husband and I had the pleasure of attending a luncheon with AMBUCS in Mesquite. We were invited to their weekly meeting because they wanted to present Braylon with a very special trike. About 6 weeks ago B's physical therapist presented me with the idea of getting Braylon a tricycle to help with his therapy. At the time I had no way of knowing how special that idea would be. The trike has a chain that runs vertically instead of horizontal like on most bikes. With the chain running vertical it allows the user to pedal with both their feet and hands. What these mean for Braylon is when riding his new trike he can pedal with his feet and right arm while stretching out his left arm. Normally the only time B's arm gets a good stretch in is during therapy or while he's on our laps and we're stretching his arm straight. And believe me that's not very fun for B! Now with the help of the bike our daily walks will be therapy and riding bikes with his brothers will be therapy.... so much more fun!! I can't wait to post video of B on his new trike!
Although we didn't stay long at the luncheon, I was reminded of so much. AMBUCS is a group of business men and women taking time to help others out. The organization first started out giving scholarships in physical therapy. Some years into it they began to see their passion to help turn into someone else's passion to create. See Braylon's very special trike was designed by a physical therapist who once received a scholarship thru AMBUCS. With the help of some John Deer mechanics she was able envision and develop a trike that has now helped hundreds of children in their challenging journey. It's funny how in all situations God puts a feeling, a desire deep inside of you and once you begin to pursue it, He can make it so much bigger than you ever expected.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Story... told by the pictures

Photos of Braylon taken at 3 & 4 months old.
Photos taken at 1 -2 months old.

Going thru an old computer my husband found a bunch of photos from when Braylon was first born. He walked into our room at 12:45 a.m. wondering if I was still awake. Barely, but enough to listen to what he had to say. He began to tell me how he came across photos of Braylon and after looking at them he began noticing something we haven't seen in a long time. In all of the pictures Braylon's left arm and hand were stretch out, looking very similar to his right hand. Pictures of B putting weight on his left arm at only a few weeks old... a task he can no longer do at 21 months old. My husband continued telling me how he was sick to his stomach with the thought that Braylon had a chance to live a normal life. A life without all the appointments with therapists. A life where you buy shoes and clothes that fit you, not your AFO brace and splint.

My mind wonders on occasion... trying to figure out what really happened to Braylon and if I could have stopped it or at the very least made it less severe. I still have no definate answer to what caused B's stroke. Doctors have only given us his diagnosis, never a cause. Thru my own research I have come to assume Braylon's stroke may have been caused by a vaccine or the amount of vaccines given at one time. Looking back at the pictures I can see the ease B had in both hands and legs. I can see B looking towards the left (which he rarely does now b/c of his vision loss). All of these things occur until B's 3 month old pictures. Shortly after his 2 months vaccines, the pictures tell a different story....a crooked smile and a clinched fist.

Sadness feels my heart to think Braylon had the chance of a "normal" life fillled timely milestones. But oh, God is so Good! My faith in God and the power thats from within Him would never be so needed without that sadness. Without the emotion felt from Braylon's circumstances, I could have gone thru life being "normal" and teaching "normal" thoughts. I know this... for every negative situation there is a positive one of equal (or greater) value. So thru that sadness, I have found the greatest joy. The joy that Jesus Christ is still my savior, that God is still a miracle working God and that if I just have faith God will always be there.

Friday, January 1, 2010

pics from the holidays

Gift of the holidays

This holiday season was a little more reserved this year. Staying in Texas this year for the holidays, we were able to spend a lot more time together.... just the 5 of us. We still had a wonderful time with our extended family, but it was nice to spend quality time with those closest to my heart.

I always wish for a white Christmas and this year I got one!!! Almost all day Christmas eve the snow was falling. But unfortunately, the day before it 73 degrees out. The ground was so warm I didn't think the snow would ever stick, but it DID!!! At 9:00 at night we all threw winter coats and shoes on to rush outside and play in it while it lasted. I thank God for that snow. My boys smiles were so big and even Braylon couldn't help but laugh as the snow fell on his face. This was B's first real experience with snow. As I watched him trying to run in the snow like his big bros, I remembered my extremely high goals I had for him just 6 months ago. Goals that included Braylon running in the back yard with his brothers for Christmas. WoW! What a wonderful gift I received. Just like a white Christmas in Texas, when you least expect it God can make it happen.

It is now 2010. A new year, a new decade and I'm sure new battles to fight and races to win. But as I look back to at the last decade I smile. Like the commercial... It wasn't always perfect, but it had some perfect moments. And in those times God was perfectly molding me. Creating in me faith, strength, empathy and perseverance. What's to come? There's no telling, but I will continue to grow. And for Braylon and my other boys, I'm sure there will be more miracles to report and mountains to overcome.

Have a Blessed New Year!