Monday, April 30, 2012

May is pediatric stroke awareness month


May is Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month and May 5 specifically is pediatric stroke day.  I know you all have heard Braylon's story and how he is constantly overcoming obstacles.  Sad to say there are thousands of other kids around the world who's story is so similar.  This past week we had 3 ER visits with Braylon... none of them related to his stroke.  Twice we were in Children's to check for meningitis and once at a local hospital because Braylon dropped a glass on his toe and cut it open and broke it.  Everything is fine with B, he's so tough, but I did notice something that caught my eye.  When Jamael and I were at our local hospital with B each bed had a stroke flyer next to it.  The poster stated if you have problems speaking, raising one arm or have a drooping face to let hospital personel know immediately.  It also stated that if you are having a stroke its crucial that you receive immediate care.  Although I've seen those flyers before, somehow they never made it in to children's hospital.  I did not see one flyer in the hospital at all.  Crazy, huh?  Even crazier is that when Braylon's pediatrician suspected a stroke, he never told us or told us to seek immediate medical attention.  Instead we waited 4 months to get into the neurologist to get a diagnosis.  This is why Pediatric Stroke Awareness is so important.  If grandma or grandpa had a stroke is would be devastating, but chances are they would get the care and support needed to recover immediately.  I honestly don't think hospitals or doctors think that pediatric stroke is less significant, I just think people are not aware of how often this occurs and the best plan to handle it. 

I am asking that all of you wear purple saturday, May5 for pediatric stroke awareness and spread the word about Braylon.  He has come so far, but we have a long battle ahead of us and I'm afraid that it seems like his battles are getting more difficult for all of us.  It's the saying... If its not one thing, its the other.  Some examples are being so excited that he can walk and run, but then realizing he's a flight risk and will run away from you, the house, anywhere.  Or  "Yay, his vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds!" but he now tells you "NO" for everything and calls the neighbor "PEEPEE head".  Lol, that boy!  Please help us spread the word by doing the following 3 things...

1. Watch Braylon in this video montage for pediatric stroke awareness.  Please watch all the way thru for the important facts/stories.

2. Donate to my firstgiving page.  Funds go directly to CHASA, a nonprofit that offers scholarships, orthopedics, summer camp etc. for stroke survivors.

3. Forward this email to all your friends and family.  They can also read about Braylon on

1 Corinthians 15:10   
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect.  No, I worked harder than all of them- yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.